Herb Spotlight: Beating Summer Heat with Watermelon (Xi Gua)

As this summer continues to break world records with the most recent heat waves in North America,  add watermelon to your grocery list to beat summer heat.

What is summer heat? 

In traditional Chinese Medicine, disease can be created by environmental factors and are diagnosed as such.  Summer heat is the term used by TCM practitioners to describe symptoms we can experience under extreme heat and dampness.  Have you ever spent all day in the sun, eating grilled meats, drinking beer and eating ice cream, then felt an upset stomach?  The environmental heat and humidity or dampness created from the greasy foods is a perfect combo for creating summer heat.  The symptoms of summer heat are dizziness, red face, profuse sweating, extreme thirst, irritability, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and heaviness. 

One of the best herbal remedies to keep on hand if you begin experiencing any one of these symptoms is Xi Gua, or watermelon.  In TCM, the watermelon meat, rind and their seeds are all used to treat summer heat.  Watermelon is particularly useful for relieving thirst and irritability.  Fun fact… the watermelon rind can also be cut into tiny slices and be used as a topical application to treat sunburns as well! 

Other herbal remedies to help you stay cool and beat the summer heat are mung beans, purslane and mint.  Try adding one of these to your dishes at your next potluck this summer and let us know how it goes! For more summertime recipes and TCM lifestyle tips, check out our seasonal rituals zine!


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