Benefits of Celluma Light Therapy

Have you tried celluma in your treatments yet? 

Celluma is an FDA approved light therapy that can help improve a variety of conditions including arthritis, muscle and joint tension and stiffness, acne vulgaris, hair loss, fine lines and wrinkles.  

Celluma is an LED light therapy device that contours to the applied areas of the body.  Light is applied to the skin tissue and absorbed by the cell’s mitochondria and cellular membranes.  After the cellular absorption of light particles, the energy is transformed into ATP (adenosine triphosphate).  ATP is the primary molecule that stores and transfers cellular energy.   The increase of ATP helps increase the body’s metabolic processes like protein synthesis, DNA synthesis and RNA synthesis, resulting in cellular regeneration,  tissue repair, and pain reduction. 

How does it work with skin concerns?  

The light absorbed by the skin cell’s helps provide energy to enhance cellular performance by increasing circulation and stimulating production of collagen and elastin.  The increased synthesis of collagen and elastin help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as wound healing.  Using a different light and wavelength, celluma can also be used to kill surface bacteria contributing to acne breakouts.  

Celluma is a painless, non-invasive LED light therapy treatment that can be added onto any of your treatments here at the Garden Wellness Clinic.


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